structions, et cetera, or cover desired reD quirements, is not satisfactory and sha1l be avoided. However, the foregoing does not preclude a repetition of requirement docuD ments paragraphs that contain mandatory requirements. Any paragraph so repeated
shall be expanded, if necessary, to give a
concise yet complete description of the part, arrangement, construction proposed, et cetD era. The assignment of part numbers and drawing numbers which describe the details of the aircraft shall be made in accordance with Specification MIL-D-5028.
3.3 Paragraph numbers shall be used in the order indicated in this specification with the addition of subparagraphs, sub-aubparaD graphs, et cetera, as required to complete the descriptions or to supply the informaD tion required hereinafter in the specificaD tion. (In some cases, additional instructions
are contained in parentheses appearing in the various paragraphs and sections of this specification.) The subparagraph numberD in{'; shall follow the sequence indicated by the order of the items in the parenthetical instructions. Where (sub) paragraph headD ings in this specification are not applicable, but are headings which would affect the numbering sequence of succeeding (sub) paragraphs-,. the (sub) paragraph number and heading shall be listed with a notation "Not applicable". When the numbering seD quence of subsequent applicable (sub) paraD graphp, will not be affected, the (sub) paragraph (s) mav be deleted.
:t3.1 In the case of detail specifications for Navy aircraft, where a main topic or subtopic listed herein may be applicable to aircraft as a class, but not required for a specific aircraft, the heading shall be listed with the notation "Not required",
a.3.2 Unless otherwise specified by the procuring activity, detail specifications for follow-on or repeat production contracts shall be prepared using a paragraph seD quence numbering the same as used for the
detail specification onĀ· which the first or prior production contract was based. (This exception will prevent confusion to users of
the detail specification for repeat producD
tion orders of the same model aircraft.)
3.4 Applicable to U. S. Air Force (USAF). In order to facilitate the preparation and checking of detail specifications, a number within a %,-inch diameter circle, located approximately opposite the center of the paragraph affected, shall be placed in the left margin, opposite any paragraph in which a deviation from a governmental reD quirement is described or implied. This
number shall correspond to the number asD
signed to the particular deviation as covD ered in appendix JI. Failure to list deviaD tions shall be construed as intent to comply. Deviation numbers in detail specifications for follow-on or repeat contracts shall reD main the same as those assigned to the deD viation -in the original detail specification. The numbers of individual deviations which
are not required for follow-on or repeat contracts shall not be assigned to different deviations, but shall be incJuded in the proD per sequence with the notation "Not appliD cable".
3.5 Contractor's model designation and specification.
3.5-1 Contractor's model designation. A separate and distinct contractor's model deD signation shall be given to each basic model aircraft. Modification of the basic model airD craft will be designated using a suffixed letter to the basic designation. A separate and oistinct model designation shall be asD signed to each proposed 'aircraft design which involves difference in performance guaranty; configuration, major construcD tional difference, engine, or engine-propeller combination :
Example I:
Model 278 Specification 4028, Basic.
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