(Discuss generally the number, types, and arrangement of main and auxiliary propulD sion units. Describe the propulsion. subsysD tem and include such parts of the subsysD tem as the power control subsystem, fuel supply and fuel injection subsystem, lubriD cation subsystem, starting subsystem, airD inlet configuration and controls subsystem, thrust augmentation or reversal subsystem f.!t cetera.)
3.12.2 Main propulsion unit(s). (List the type of propulsion unit and its specification, and describe the design features which allow for ease of installation and removal, and access for inspection and maintenance.)
3.12.3 Au.:dliary propulsion uniit e), (List the 'lype of propulsion unit and its specificaD tion, and describe the design features which allow for ease of installation and removal and access for inspection and maintenance.)
3.13 Secondary power and distribution
3.13.1 El.eetricaJ pcaoe» uen&mtion and. distribution subsystem. (Describe the type and features of the electrical power generaD tion and distribution subsystem and list the electrical system loads. List the overall specD ificatien for the electrical subsystem.)
3.13.2 Hy<lraulic pouier generation. and. tlistribution subsysterri. (Describe the genD eral design features of the subsystem, list the hydraulically actuated services, and list the overall specification for the subsystem. State the estimated maximum fluid temperaD ture and the estimated total pump cnpacity.)
3.13.3 Pneumatic power aeneraiion and distribution subsystem. (Describe the genD eral design features of the subsystem, Jist the pneumatically actuated services, and list the overall specification fot· the subsystem.)
3.14 Utilities and equipment subsystems, (Provide a general description of each of the following subsystems and list the specifica-
tions which describes the subsystems in more detail: Air conditioning, anti-icing, defogD ging, moisture control; pressurization; fire radiation· hazard detection, prevention, and proteetion.)
3.15 Mission and air traffic control sub· systems. (Provide a general description of each of the following subsystems and list the specification which describes the subsystem; communications, navigation, and identiflcaD tion.)
:3.16 Reconnaissance subsystems. (Provide a general description of each of the followD ing aubsystems and list the specification which describes the subsystem; Terrain reD connaissance; air target reconnaissance; atD mospheric reconnaissance; et cetera.)
3.17 Fire-power control subsystems. (ProD vide a general description of each of the following subsystems and list the specificaD tion which describes the subsystem; bombD ing-navigation; optical-bombing, guidance; fire control; et cetera.)
:UH Armament subsystems. (Provide a general description of each of the following subsystems and list the specification which describes the subsystems; guns; missile. launching; torpedo-launching; atomic and thermonuclear weapons; molecular bomb munitions: et cetera.)
3.19 Carg» and transport .. subsystems. (Provide a general descriptionof each of the
following subsystems and list the speciflcaD
.tion which describes the subsystem. Include the size, flooring, floor loads, structural proD vision for tiedown et cetera ; personnel hanD dling; cargo handling; and cargo servicing.)
3.20 Countering subsystems. (Provide a general description of each of the following subsystems in a separate subparagraph and· list the specification which describes the subD system: Electronic Countermeasures; JamD ming : Deeeption r Chaff Dispensing; Infra-
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