Detail strength requirements. (The detail strength requirements shall be genD erally in the form of modifications and amD plification of the requirements in SpecificaD tions.Mli.-A-8629 or MlL-S-5700 series as shown in the detail specification.)
3.5 Wing group.
3.5.l Description and components. (Give general description of the wing, including type of wing, number and arrangement of components, e.g., center section, outer panels, tips.)
3.5.2 Construction: (This paragraph shall include a deseription of type of construction and materials. Such information shall be gfven to identify positively the material, either by reference to the procuring aetivD ity's specification or description of type and properties. Include general description of load-carrying structure, spars, beams, stringers, ribs, leading edge structure, skin, auxiliary beams, joints, et cetera, and (briefD ly) the basic general assumptions made relaD tive to the functions of the various members
'in carrying bending, torsion, and shear loads .
. It is desired that assumptions pertaining to the stress path and load-carrying· members at discontinuities be explained briefly.)
3.5.3 Ailerons: (Include a description of the ailerons and tabs, giving type, construcD tion, type of aerodynamic and dynamic balD ance, and material used.)
3.5.4 Lift and drag devices.
3.5.5 Speed brakes (if on wing).
3.6 Tail group.
3.6.1 Description and co-niponents. (A general description shall be given, including what comprises tail group.)
3.6.2 Stabilizer. (A description shall be given, including construction and materials.)
3.6.3 Elevator. (Include a description of the elevator and tabs, giving type, construcD tion, type of aerodynamic and dynamic balD ance, and materials used.)
3.6.4 Fin. (A description shall be given, including construction, materials, et cetera.)
3.6.5 Rudder. (Include a description of the rudder and tabs, giving type, construction, type of aerodynamic and dynamic balance, and materials used.) ·
3.7 Body group.
3.7.1 Fuselaqe. Description. (A general description of the fuselage shall be given, including crew locations; location of principal equipment, compartments, pressurized section, et cetD era.) Construction. The type, joints, maD terials, et cetera, and (briefly) the basic genD eral assumptions made, as to the structural functions of the members shall be specified.) Crew statiun subsystems. (DeD scribe each station in separately numbered and titled subparagraphs covering such items as, but not limited to: Personnel furnishD ings, accommodations, conveniences; instruD ment. and switch panel locations and configuD rations (include sketches) ; lighting and visiD bility (internal-external) ; ·· survival and crash restraining provisions; escape proD vrsions ; oxygen; controls-personnel and equipment location arrangements, range of motions, interferences, and clearances; exits, including location and size; access path from entrance to station; soundproofing; et cetD era.) Owyget'! system. (The entire oxyD gen system shall be described in detail to include such items as - type (liquid or gasD eous), type and number of supply containers, regulators (type and number), walk-around
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