Wheels. Casings and tubes.
3.8.4-.4 Siwek absorbers. Retracting, extending, and locking systems. Doors and fairings.
3.8�4.7 Steering control.
3.8.4 ( ) Inspection and maintenance. (Parentheses in paragraph number are used to designate this paragraph as the last subD paragraph under 3.8.4. This paragraph shall be numbered accordingly.)
3.8.5 A~lia.ry landing gear (other), (See
3.8.2 and provide appropriate subparaD
graphs.) Description.
3.8.6 Fwtation ckara.cteristics.
3.9 Alighting gear (water type).
3.9.1 General description and components.
3.9.2 Main floats.
3.9.3 Au.xiliary floats.
3.10 Flight control system.
3.10.1 Prirnary flight control systems. (Give general descritpion including at least type; routing through airplane; vulnerabilD ity, including duplication of circuits; cable and component sparing; stops; adjustments; Jocks; et cetera.) Flight station conirole. Lateral system. (Describe the sysD tem including boost or power, actuators, mechanisms, accessibility; et cetera.)
MIL-S-6252D Directional system. (Describe the system including boost or power, actuators, mechanisms, accessibility, et cetera.) Longitudinal system. (Describe the system including boost or power, actuD ators, mechanisms, accessibility, et cetera.)
3.10.2 Seconda:ry flight control systems. Lift and dra.g increasing device(s)
systems. Speed brakes.
3.10.3 Trim (or tab) control systems. (Give general description, including longiD tudinal, directional, and lateral trim control systems.)
3.10.4 Automatic flight control system. (Provide a general description of the sysD tem including the functional tie-ins with other systems such as bombing, fire control, navigation, et cetera. Referenee shall be made to the procurement specification which contains the detail functional and performD ance requirements for the system.)
3.1:1 Engine section or nacelle. group.
3.11.1 Description and components.
3.11.2 Construction.
3.11.3 Engine mounts.
3.11.4 Vibration isolators.
3.11.5 Firewalls. (Give location, materials, method of sealing, et cetera.)
3.11.6 Co·wling asui c.owl flaps. (Type, method of actuation, et cetera.)
3.11. ( ) Access for fn.-;pection and mainte• nance. (Parentheses 'in paragraph number are used to designate this paragraph as the last subparagraph under 3.11. This paraD graph shall be numbered accordingly.)
3.12 Propulsion subsystem.
:3.12.1 General description and conuponeni«,
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