ing these deviations which are peculiar to any one or more alternates. Deviation items shall be numbered consecutively, shall reference the para'." graph in the detail specification where the deviation occurs, shall reference the document and the requirement in the document against which deviation is taken, shall state the deviation, and give reasons for the deviation. Deviation numbers shall remain the same for all subsequent detail speci- fications of a particular aircraft model. If at any time a deviation has been deleted after the first issue of the detail specification, the number will remain, with a note that the deviation has been deleted.
Requirement: Deviation:
Oleo strut air pressure
Reason for change a:nd remarks:
APPENDIX ID (for USAF, only)
(See paragraph 8.9 Changes to aircraft Detail Specification)
For ECP No Date TMS . File Opposite Page N-0•.................... of Speeifi=ion . Contraetual authority Contract Effectively .
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Effect of change: (List by specifica.tion paragraph number.)
Note: Include verbatim statement of revision to the aircraft detail specification which shall call out the speclfication paragraph. reference, and be one of the .following alternate forms:
(a) Add
(b) Delete
(c) Change from ..•.••.. to .
APPENDIX IV arrangements (for USAF proposals only) APPENDIX IV-A, IV-B, IV-C, et cetera:
(Assign a definite manufacturer's model• number for each alternate ar- rangement, the model number to consist of the basic model number with a suitable suffix designation. A proposal shall be considered as an alternate only when there is a change in a major component of the basic design, e.g., use of a different type or model of engine, different fuselage or crew arrangement, a change in wing area, and entirely different type of empen- nage or alighting gear assembly, alternat armament installation, et cetera.
Note: The form of each appendix shall correspond to the form prescribed for the detail specification covering the basic proposal. Only those paragraphs that are a1Fected
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